Khan Amir Khan & Co



KAKC manufactures and sells custom cabinetry required for homebuilders, Tiny Shed, Steel structure, residential remodels, Readymade kitchen, home entertainment centers, offices, wine cellars and storage options within a thirty-mile radius of Islamabad, Capital Area. 

Our Services

Smart home cabin, kitchen manufacturing, Import Export

KAKC manufactures of wooden Smart home, Tiny Home, Grid Home moveable readymade kitchen boxes and sells custom cabinetry.


The objectives of KAKC are to:

·      Excel at producing excellence in innovative cabinetry production and design.

·      Provide service that exceeds customer expectations. 

·      Expand company visibility utilizing advanced forms of advertising. 


The mission of KAKC is to offer excellence in custom cabinetry Smart home, Tiny home grid home distinguishing itself as a preferred leader within the industry with an established history of exceptional products, and service with a host of gratified patrons.

Keys to Success

The keys to the success of KAKC are:

·      Its ability to offer the expertise and service derived from more than five years of industry experience. 

·      The established industry reputation of a Diamond Certified custom cabin, Kitchen cabinet designer and manufacturer. 

·      Exceptional quality utilizing domestic materials.

·      Innovative designs and solutions to augment space limitations.

·      Resourceful ideas to maximize existing applications and recycle materials. 

Company Summary

 KAKC is located in Islamabad Capital Area which is in Pakistan County located just east of the city of Islamabad and is home to many affluent suburban professionals who commute to downtown Haripur, KPK, Pakistan. The company has been in business for more than 5 years and has more than 17 years of cabinetry and small business experience.

Company History

As a result of the current economic climate, sales for KAKC have declined from that of 2018 which totaled RS187,4100. While the ascension back to a healthy gross profit is slow, KAKC remains eminent within the industry and is utilizing this period to take steps to strengthen the products and services provided in order to emerge as a solid competitor when the nation’s economy stabilizes.


KAKC offers unrivalled quality in cabinetry with innovative and resourceful designs specifically suited to fulfill customer needs and maintain decades of usefulness. By listening, KAKC ascertains customer needs and crafts a product that is stylish and functional that exceeds customer expectations.

 Market Analysis Summary

The PAK. cabinetwork and countertop manufacturing industry is a RS5.5 billion industry and according to Kitchen Cabinet Industry Trends and the 2008 Hardwood Manufacturers Association National Conference and Expo long-term industry fundamentals remain in place with the following demand drivers: 

• Remodeling

• New household formation

KAKC utilizes only the finest domestic materials in the production of its custom cabinetry designed to provide centuries of customer enjoyment.

Web Plan Summary

Research indicates that an easy-to-use website significantly increases sales.  A sophisticated website is vital to our marketing strategy to attract new customers and retain existing ones. The website must be visibly appealing yet simple and organized, encouraging sales.  The site must be organized in such a way that facilitates browsing and the ability of potential customers to locate relevant information, illustrations and descriptions.  The design of the Company’s website will encourage sales if it is efficient and easy to use and provides the customer with the ability to make online appointments and research company services.  An easy to use, simple website is of the utmost importance in securing sales as research indicates that many websites lose customers without securing sales because the site is confusing and not easily navigated leaving customers aimlessly migrating through a site and leaving in frustration.  

The KAKC website will be enhanced in such a way as to allow it to be easily updated and maintained by management to maximize efficiency in detailing product services and pricing information.  The company website will be updated to maximize the ease of customer use and fully detail company services and established reputation as a result of direct customer response.

 Strategy and Implementation Summary

The primary sales and marketing strategy for KAKC consists of the following:

1. To provide unparalleled custom cabinetry.

2. To establish a loyal following based on a high level of customer satisfaction.

3. To provide the highest quality cabinetry at a competitive price.

4. To establish and maintain an extensive customer database for marketing purposes.

KAKC has clearly defined the target market and has differentiated itself by offering a solid solution to fulfilling its customers’ needs. Reasonable sales targets have been established with an implementation plan designed to ensure the goals set forth are achieved.


KAKC is one of three Diamond Certified cabinetry companies in the city providing a 90% customer approval rating. The Diamond screening service refers select businesses to customers based on a 4 year history of excellence in products and service as the result of direct customer survey. With additional funding KAKC will improve its products and services securing its reputation and position within the industry.

Management Summary

KAKC will convey its commitment to quality service and professionalism by investing the time required to extensively train all company personnel to uphold and adhere to the Company’s standards of excellence in service and business decorum.

Muhammad Amir Khan, Owner and Operations Manager, maintains 14 years of experience as a licensed contractor in the woodworking industry, and 5 years as an independent business owner and as such will oversee all elements of the company and its operations, profitability and commitment to service and exceeding customer expectations. 

Personnel Plan

KAKC projects to create a new job within the community by adding an additional employee by the beginning of 2018 with salaries including a 3% annual cost of living increase in 2023.